Tips on How To Travel On A Plane with Newborn Baby- You Got This Mama

Dec 04, 2019
Question- How can my newborn baby survive a longer flight? And is an economy seat “big” enough?

Lakshmi’s Learning- Shyla’s first “longer” flight was 6 hours from east to west across the US- Miami to San Francisco at 3 months old.  And I was traveling solo!  Oh- so many learnings on that trip with carrying the car seat and stroller, baby in bjorn, what to pack for plane, feeding in those small coach seats, diaper changing in bathroom, “jet lag”, etc (will share that later time).

So- how did we survive the flight? At that age- kids need milk, some entertainment, and take naps! What I did in those 6 hours with lap infant: normal nursing with my cover up (focused on takeoff and landing to avoid ear pressure), singing songs (whispering), walking around the plane to stare at people, packed a few soft lightweight toys to drool on, and then take naps together! I am not kidding when I say it was totally fine and you can do it too!!

My advice- at this age, don’t carry too much on the plane- especially when traveling alone... makes it harder to lug everything around.  Also- in economy, get a window seat so the baby can stare out the window + more room to feed/sleep versus aisle seat when you have to worry about the food cart hitting their head or feet! And on some long haul flights- you can request the bulkhead seat which may include a “baby cot” as well.

Most importantly- don’t stress! What I forgot to do is eat... so when we landed in Miami at 10pm, I was starving!

Stay tuned for more related to traveling with newborns, managing tantrums, and much more! 

How to Travel With Children During COVID19

Download this FREE CHECKLIST on guidelines for traveling with children on a plane during the pandemic.