Welcome to my life

These videos and articles focus on things that fuel my energy- global experiences, loved ones, and life learnings.

What is Diwali? - India's Festival of Lights

Nov 08, 2020

Diwali is this week.  Many of you may wonder, what is Diwali?

Diwali is India’s Festival of Lights where we celebrate victories of good over evil, light shining over darkness, knowledge over ignorance....a new beginning for us all. 

The details and activities were shared in my daughters' public and private schools when I taught the class children. 

Some quick facts about Diwali:

  • Diwali is a total of 5 days- and the big day is Saturday Nov 14th (reflected in Day 3). 
  • Every year the specific date changes (e.g. like Easter OR Hanukkah) based on the lunar calendar- but always falls in October or November. 
  • The cultural significance of Diwali is celebrated around the world!  It is a Hindu holiday that celebrates the victory of Lord Ram when he defeated an evil demon king Ravan. That victory of good over evil restored goodness in the world.
  • Diwali is celebrated differently all over India and each day is meaningful. 
  • Diwali is also celebrated...
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Belonging in the World Can Start With A Name

Nov 03, 2020

The countdown that is all over the news is now here- the big date November 3rd.  For me, it is all summed up in one simple word- "belonging."  I aspire for my children to have inclusivity in their DNA, to feel that they belong and welcome diversity.  Now, I know that will never be 100% for everyone at all times, that’s just the world we live in.  But, we should aim to cultivate that environment for all those around us.

Similar to the recent videos related to name pronunciation, my name has been mispronounced my whole life. I know it is different outside of “mainstream names” that I used to see on key chains growing up but does that mean people shouldn’t try to say it?  Please watch the insights from Shyla.

My name is Lakshmi- properly pronounced “Luck-shme”. As an elementary school child new to the US, I used to cringe when a substitute teacher came into the classroom. Does anyone else know that feeling? They would...

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Get your groove on and learn about other cultures

Oct 07, 2020

Based on my last blog, I am thrilled to know that some of my followers and subscribers did not initially think of introducing a globe to their children and have since purchased one—that’s wonderful!

Continuing on that theme, I have many ideas of educational and fun ways to introduce your children to the world… from home.  So, in spirit of throwback Thursday, I am going back to two years ago!  My daughters loved to dress up (they still do) and put on a performance at home.

Lakshmi’s Learning- Although people around the world speak so many different languages… music is universal.  Do you find yourself loving a song but you do not even know the meaning of the words?  Or a song with no words that you connect with?  Well- guess what, kids do too!  Kids love music and they can hear sounds/music even before birth.

So, here is another simple and easy way to expose your children to the world and different...

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Bring back old school learning... spinning around the world

Oct 01, 2020

Questions- I grew up in the 1980s... How many of you had a map/atlas/or globe in your house? Do you have a globe today?

Lakshmi’s Learning- We do! I wanted to share a simple way to use a "globe" on a frequent basis with your young children. While I am sure that some world geography is taught in elementary school… Why wait?  It's never too early and never too late.  The globe presents a FUN and educational opportunity for us as parents with our children. 

So, in this video… Shriya is spinning the globe.   While she is familiar with all the continents and where they are located on a map/globe, she cannot read like her older sister.  She is able to locate countries because she studies the globe and has memorized where some countries are located.

We do this a few days a week in the evening.  The kids land on a particular country and we  talk about that country the next few days.  Things such as famous cool...

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A Child's Curious Mind is a Gift...Teachings on Pride Month

Jun 30, 2020

Question: Amma (Tamil world for mom)- what is the rainbow flag for?

Lakshmi’s Learning: And so I explained what the rainbow flag represents. The video is her understanding.  Even a sprinkle of knowledge can make a world of a difference.

Parents should do what they feel is right and some think kids are too young for certain things. That’s totally fine. However- I am learning that a child’s curious mind is an absolute gift and I prefer to discuss some things early on. I have talked to my girls about diversity and how it comes in all shapes and forms. I want them to know that there are all different kinds of relationships not just the one she sees in her parents.  This has enabled my children to be proud of who they are and in turn love to learn about and appreciate others.

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Experiencing Diversity Starts With Parents As "Teachers"- A Look on World Religions

May 01, 2020

This message is to embrace diversity and culture through global learning experiences. As Shyla said “We are connected around the world!” 

Question- With global travel at a pause now, how can my kids become global citizens?

Lakshmi’s Learning- There many ways to teach diversity to the next generation about the world and it does not solely come from school. It actually starts with us parents! Please note this is one example. Even if it is just a sprinkle of knowledge- it’s a start and can be done at home! Let’s leverage our community and Google to learn!! 

What I did- April was a holy month across some of the world’s major religions. My girls already know a lot about our Hindu faith. I want them to continue to be confident and proud of who the are. To achieve that- it’s important for them understand the bigger picture around them. So I leveraged the opportunity to ensure they understand the holidays that came in...

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How to Travel With Children During COVID19

Download this FREE CHECKLIST on guidelines for traveling with children on a plane during the pandemic.